

4325 Uppsatser om MAAS- Motor Activity Assessment Scale - Sida 1 av 289

Inhalationssedering på CIVA : en retrospektiv beskrivning

Bakgrund: Patienter som ventilatorvårdas på intensivvårdsavdelning behöver ofta någon form av lätt sömn (sedering) för att tolerera endotrachealtuben och ventilatorbehandling. De traditionella intravenösa läkemedel som ges har lång halveringstid och det är stor risk för kvardröjande effekter. Syfte: Denna pilotstudie syftar till att studera sederingsdjupet enligt MAAS hos de patienter som blivit sederade med inhalationsgas, kontrollera vakenhetsgraden enligt GCS hos dessa patienter efter avslutad sedering, samt beskriva vilka patientgrupperna är som fått inhalationssedering. Metod: Journalgranskning där resultatet har analyserats och kategoriserats, därefter har en sambandsanalys gjorts. Resultat: I resultatet identifierades 3 patientkategorier som fått isofluransedering: patienter med hotad luftväg som förväntats behöva kort sederingstid och snabb väckning, patienter som var svåra att sedera optimalt med intravenös metod samt patienter med organsvikt där risk för ackumulation och/ eller förlängd elimination av läkemedel förelåg.

Sederingsnivå hos ventilatorbehandlade intensivvårdspatienter

BakgrundDjup sedering är associerat med förlängd vårdtid och ett flertal komplikationer för intensivvårdspatienten. Även för ytlig sedering medför komplikationer, stress och lidande. Studier visar på vikten av adekvat sedering, samt att skalor och protokoll används. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva sederingsnivå, andel optimalt, över- och undersederade patienter, vårdtid i ventilator och vårdtid inom intensivvården för patienter på en svensk intensivvårdsavdelning.MetodStudien, med deskriptiv design, inkluderade konsekutivt sederade, ventilatorbehandlade patienter, 18 år och äldre, på en svensk intensivvårdsavdelning under nio månader. Primära utfallsvariabler var sederingsnivå, utifrån Motor Activity Assessment Scale och andel optimalt, över- och undersederade patienter.

Förskolans balansgång mellan fri- och styrd rörelseträning : en kvalitativ studie om förskolors arbete med rörelseträning

AimThe aim with this essay has been to investigate how preschools profiling in motor activity training, work to stimulate motor development of children. In order to study this, the main focus for the research has been on the following queries:What characterize motor activity training at the preschools studied?What is the purpose with the motor activity training of preschools which were studied?How do the preschools describe the affect that motor activity training has on children?How do the preschools look at the need for motor activity training?MethodFour in-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of the chosen preschools profiling in motor activity. My selection was based on a strategic sample and this was made by an internet mapping of preschool activities in the districts of Stockholm, and information from the service guide of the town of Stockholm. Then e-mail was sent to ten contact persons at preschool units, and ten preschools were contacted directly by phone.

Rytmterapi som behandlingsmetod vid stroke: en pilotstudie

Stroke is caused by a bleeding or infarct in the brain and is one of the most common diseases in Sweden today. The purpose of the study was to evaluate if Ronnie Gardiner?s Rhythm Therapy (RGR-therapy) has any effect, regarding motor control and the subjective experienced health related quality of life, on people who have been affected by stroke. The examination group consisted of eight people. The intervention consisted of RGR-therapy once a week during a period of nine weeks.

Hur främjar förskollärare barns motorik i förskolan och hur viktig anser de att den är?

AbstractThis work is about children?s motor activity. You can often hear in media about sedentary children, and that one of the factors which contributed to this is computers and things like that. The main goal with this work is to find out how preschool teachers take care of children?s joy of movement and how they work to promote children?s progress of motor activity.

Vardagliga icke-produktiva motoriska beteenden : förekomst och korrelation med sensation seeking

In everyday life we perform motor behaviours that have no apparent instrumental function. Are these correlated to sensation seeking and do they differ depending on what situations we are in? University students in Örebro (N=108), participated in the study. The participants were asked to fill out a double questionnaire containing the sensation seeking scale and another one for measuring non-productive motor behaviours. The non-productive motor behaviours were not correlated to the sensation seeking scale.

Fysisk aktivitet för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

Abstract This examination work is about the role of physical activity for students with concentration difficulties. The purpose of this work is to describe educators experiences of how students with concentration difficulties are affected by physical and motor activity during school-time in primary school. In the work I assume from my questions that are: How do educators experience students with concentrations difficulties? Do educators think physical and motor training during school-time matter for the students learning processes? How? Do students with concentration difficulties have other possibilities than other students regarding physical and motor activity during school-time? I am using a qualitative interview method for answering my questions. The interviews are conducted in collaboration with three educators in a medium-sized Swedish F-6 school.

Gympa i förskolan? : En studie om pedagogers syn på motorik och rörelseglädje i förskolan

The intention of the study is to investigate pedagogues understanding of physical activities in preschool. Should special activities be planned in order to stimulate children´s progress in motor skills? I also want to find out if pedagogues found the acitivities in preschool curriculum which says that the aim is to develop children´s body perception and teaching children how to care for their own health. I have interviewed seven pedagogues and focus of the question lied within motor skills and the joy of movement among preschool children. The result shows that pedagogues regard it to be important to stimulate motor activities and to encourage joy of movement in preschool.

Hela kroppen behövs för att lära! : En studie om pedagogers levda erfarenheter av att stimulera barns motoriska utveckling

The study aims to demonstrate the significance of educators lived experiences of stimulating children's physical development. It has been noted that children are occupying themselves with more and more sedentary activities, which may lead to that they do not develop motor skills at the pace expected. To understand educators lived experiences from a phenomenological hermeneutic perspective empirical relevance has been collected through narrative interviews. The results shows that educators find it difficult to understand the Curriculum goals for motor activity and that the desire to stimulate motor development is great, but the realization is conspicuous by its absence. The discussion highlights educator?s commitment and motivation and the importance of being a reflecting practitioner..

Kurs i Medveten Närvaro för högstadieelever i årskurs nio

Bland högstadiebarn i Sverige upplever en stor andel stress och rapporterar symtom på psykisk ohälsa. Det finns därför anledning att prova olika interventioner i skolmiljö. I studien har en kurs i medveten närvaro genomförts i en niondeklass. Studien visar på en signifikant ökad grad av medveten närvaro mätt i Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), för elever som initialt hade låga värden i MAAS. Även en signifikant minskning i oro för barn med initialt medelhöga till höga värden i PSWQ-C noterades efter kursen.

Motorik hos barn som går montessoriskola : En pilotstudie av elever på en montessoriskola i jämförelse med Skola, Idrott och Hälsa-projektet

AimThe aim of this essay is by using a motor skill track to see if there exists any remarkable difference in the motor skill profiles between pupils from our montessori school and the mean score in the "Nytidstest". The questions at issue we had were: How is the motor skill profile on pupils in year 2 and 3 practicing montessori pedagogy? Is the motor skill profile superior or inferior to the mean score in the "Nytidstest"? What factors, if any, concerning the montessori pedagogy affects the results of the test?MethodWe used a motor skill track consisting of 8 stations sellected from the "Nytidstest" adapted for year 3 (the original test consists of 16 stations). Pupils from year 2 and 3 in our chosen montessori school were tested in groups of 4-5 persons each. We made the tests on two occasions each lasting for 100 minutes at the time.

Formativ bedömning - med samtalet som grund : En kvalitativ studie om lärares erfarenheter och tankar om bedömning

The purpose of this essay is to discover what Formative Assessment is used for in practice and also how teachers use the Curriculum for elementary school, preschool and after-school activity 2011 (Lgr 11) in their Formative Assessment work.The questions are as follows:What considerations do teachers take into account when assessing a student?How do teachers view assessment for learning?How do the teachers consider formative assessment works in relation to Lgr 11?I have used a qualitative research method to answer my questions. I have interviewed five teachers regarding their view on and experience with assessment. Using a hermeneutic approach I have tried to retrieve a deeper meaning from my interviewees regarding formative assessment. I have approached formative assessment using the socio-cultural perspective because I believe it to be the best fit.All of the informants believe formative assessment has made it easier to assess students and also that it works very well together with Lgr 11.

Från individbedömning till verksamhetsbedömning : Hur kan förskolan utveckla sin verksamhet så att den kan möta alla barn oavsett förutsättningar?

One of the Swedish preschools many tasks is to identify the needs of a child and to shape an activity suited to their needs. This identification means a lot of times that a child is weighed and valued despite that the curriculum clearly states that no assessment is to be done in the Swedish preschool. To develop a preschool able to face all children regardless of their individual needs it?s necessary to change focus from child assessment to instead look at the work and environment in the whole preschool. A development of the activity might be seen as a work in progress whose primary goal is to improve the quality of work in preschool.

Allsidig rörelsekompetens hos barn och ungdomar : En kartläggning av skolelevers funktionella motorik

Gross motor skills among Swedish pupils. An overview of functional motor abilities among Swedish children and adolescents.IntroductionPhysical Education (PE) teachers in Sweden have noticed that pupils are getting worse in their ability to manage gross motor skills and in their aerobic practice. The gross motor skills and coordinative skills are the solid ground for sports and other health activities. If not developing their gross motor skill children tends to avoid taking part in games and sports. The benefits of sports and outdoor activities such as social and health benefits can therefore be missed.

Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale - Schizophrenia Version : Utveckling och psykometrisk prövning av en diagnosspecifik skattningsskala

Bakgrund: Self-efficacy, en persons tilltro till sin förmåga, är en faktor som påverkar hälsobeteenden såsom fysisk aktivitet. Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale mäter denna egenskap genom självskattning, men har inte utvärderats för personer med schizofreni.Syfte: Att omarbeta Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale för personer med schizofreni.Metod: Deskriptiv design med psykometrisk prövning av den omarbetade Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale. Första delen av studien bestod av fokusgrupper med patienter och personal på en psykiatrisk öppenvårdsmottagning för patienter med psykossjukdom. Utifrån resultatet av dessa utvecklades Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale ? Schizophrenia Version.

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